Huka Falls

At Huka Falls, you can watch the natural process of hydroelectricity unfold—over 220,000 liters of water flow over 11-meter high waterfall every second. The Waikato River, New Zealand’s longest river, flows between banks 100 meters apart before crashing into Huka Falls and then tumbling down to a ferocious pool 111 meters below. Standing on the footbridge right at the top of the falls will give you an amazing view of this spectacular scene.

To set out for Huka Falls, take Sprokke Steps to Huka Falls Trail – this is an easy one-hour hike that starts where the river is still calm and wide passing through exotic and native forests until it reaches its destination near the edge of raging falls. There are many different vantage points along this path so grab your camera when it comes time to capture some fantastic pictures!


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