Franz Josef Glacier

Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand, is the most accessible river of ice in the world. One of nature’s most breathtaking spectacles.

The Māori name for the Franz Josef Glacier is Ka Roimata o Hinehukatere (‘The tears of Hinehukatere’).

Franz Josef Glacier is an active temperate maritime glacier located in Westland Tai Poutini National Park. It descends from the Southern Alps. The Waiho River emerges from its terminal face. The glacier terminates at sea level.

One of the most beautiful glaciers in New Zealand.

It is a 12-kilometer-long glacier that descends from the Southern Alps to just below sea level. Franz Josef has some of the most spectacular views – if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth visiting.

Explore or simply admire the blues of the compressed ice, tunnels, caves, and arches that compose the Franz Josef Glacier.


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